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Thirty-First Annual ACT-R Workshop

The 31st annual ACT-R Workshop will take place on Tuesday July 23, 2024 as part of the MathPsych/ICCM 2024 Conference at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Virtual attendance will be available via Zoom, and the link will be made available in an announcement on the front page of the ACT-R website the day before.



Times listed are Netherlands local time (Central European Summer Time).


10:00 Memory and Individual Differences 1 (Chair: Maarten van der Velde)

Maarten van der Velde & Hedderik van Rijn
Predicting Longer-Term Retention from Learners’ Retrieval Practice Performance


Yu-Hsiang Tseng & R. Harald Baayen
Investigating forgetting curves with learning rule-derived interferences


Holly Hake
Speed of Forgetting: A Computational Biomarker and Early Indicator for Memory Impairment


11:20 Break


11:40 Memory and Individual Differences 2 (Chair: Andrea Stocco)

Anais Capik
Model-Based Characterization of Forgetting in Children and Across the Lifespan


Andrea Stocco & Christian Lebiere
A free-energy interpretation of the spacing effect


Edward A. Cranford, Katherine Judy, Connor Manion, Weiss O’Connor, Katherine Mortimore & Kevin Gluck
Idiographic, Cross-task Architectural Parameter Variation as Compu-Cognomic Data


13:00 Lunch


14:00 Applications (Chair: Nele Russwinkel)

Nele Russwinkel
Cognitive Models for Human-Aware AI


Alex Hough & Othalia Larue
Modeling misinformation-related effects: Successes and challenges


Robert Thomson & Christian Lebiere
Comparing Similarity and Homophily-Based Cognitive Models of Influence

15:30 Break


16:00 Architecture (Chair: David Peebles)

David Peebles
Modelling the effect of prioritisation on recall in visual working memory


Meera Ray
Adapting Holographic Declarative Memory for a Disaster Agent


Dan Bothell
Updates and Future of ACT-R


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