Thirty-First Annual ACT-R Workshop
The 31st annual ACT-R Workshop will take place on Tuesday July 23, 2024 as part of the MathPsych/ICCM 2024 Conference at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Times listed are Netherlands local time (Central European Summer Time).
10:00 Memory and Individual Differences 1 (Chair: Maarten van der Velde) Video
Maarten van der Velde & Hedderik van Rijn
Predicting Longer-Term Retention from Learners’ Retrieval Practice Performance
Yu-Hsiang Tseng & R. Harald Baayen
Investigating forgetting curves with learning rule-derived interferences
Holly Hake
Speed of Forgetting: A Computational Biomarker and Early Indicator for Memory Impairment
11:20 Break
11:40 Memory and Individual Differences 2 (Chair: Andrea Stocco) Video
Anais Capik
Model-Based Characterization of Forgetting in Children and Across the Lifespan
Andrea Stocco & Christian Lebiere
A free-energy interpretation of the spacing effect
Edward A. Cranford, Katherine Judy, Connor Manion, Weiss O’Connor, Katherine Mortimore & Kevin Gluck
Idiographic, Cross-task Architectural Parameter Variation as Compu-Cognomic Data
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Applications (Chair: Nele Russwinkel) Video
Robert Thomson & Christian Lebiere
Comparing Similarity and Homophily-Based Cognitive Models of Influence
Alex Hough & Othalia Larue
Modeling misinformation-related effects: Successes and challenges
Nele Russwinkel
Cognitive Models for Human-Aware AI15:30 Break
16:00 Architecture (Chair: David Peebles) Video
David Peebles
Modelling the effect of prioritisation on recall in visual working memory
Meera Ray
Adapting Holographic Declarative Memory for a Disaster Agent
Dan Bothell
Updates and Future of ACT-R