version 7.5-<2244:2017-07-11>

Source Code

The source code zip file contains all the Lisp source code as well as the tutorial, reference manuals, and the ACT-R Environment GUI.

See the QuickStart.txt file for startup instructions (that file is also included in the docs directory of the distribution).

Standalone Versions

The standalone version of the software runs ACT-R without the need to have a separate Lisp application installed.

There are standalone versions of ACT-R for Windows and Mac OS X 10.6 or newer.

Installation and running instructions can be found in the included Readme files because they differ by version.


If you have any problems or questions about the ACT-R software please contact Dan.

Tutorial Units

The unit texts can be downloaded separately, but are already included in the software distributions above.

Reference Manuals

The manuals for the ACT-R software are included in the docs directory of the software distributions and also available here:

Other Material

The log of the commits to the ACT-R source code repository are available in a text log or an atom feed.

Slides on updates to ACT-R 7 during the 2017 ACT-R Workshop.

Slides on updates to ACT-R 7 during the 2016 ACT-R PGSS.

Slides with some notes on the renaming of ACT-R 6.1 to ACT-R 7 after the 2015 ACT-R Workshop.

Slides on the updates to ACT-R 6.1 presented at the 2015 ACT-R Workshop.

Slides on the differences between ACT-R 6.1 and the previous version ACT-R 6.0.