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Sixth Annual Workshop and Summer School

              Carnegie Mellon University, July 27 - August 6, 1999


                     SIXTH ANNUAL ACT-R Workshop
              George Mason University, August 6-9, 1999


Erik M. Altmann &    Functional decay in serial attention (slides)
Wayne D. Gray       

Erik M. Altmann &    Functional encoding in memory for goals (slides)
J. Gregory Trafton

John R. Anderson &   Implications of the Tower of Hanoi for ACT-R's Goal Stack (slides)
Scott Douglass 

John R. Anderson     Response to Invited Address (slides)

John R. Anderson,    Introduction to ACT-R (slides)
Christian Lebiere, &
Dieter Wallach

Raluca Budiu         Incomplete Meaning Processing: Moses' Illusion and Metaphor Understanding(abstract,paper)

Mike Byrne &         A New Model of Menu Search (slides)
John R. Anderson

Larry Daily,         Cross-task Prediction of Working Memory Performance: Working Memory Capacity as 
Marsha Lovett, &     Source Activation (paper,slides)
Lynne Reder

Brian Ehret          Learning Where to Look: An ACT-R/PM Model (slides)

Bruno Emond          Modeling On-line Semantic Interpretation (paper)

Daniel Freudenthal   The Role of Foreknowledge in Deducing Operating Procedures on a Simulated Device (slides)

Wai-Tat Fu &         Protocol Tracer for a Simple, Rule-based Task (slides)
Wayne D. Gray

Kevin Gluck,         Progress Towards an ACT-R/PM Model of Algebra Symbolization (abstract,slides)
John R. Anderson,
Scott Douglass, & 
Mike Byrne

Cleotilde Gonzalez,  ACT-R Learning in a Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making Task (slides)
Christian Lebiere, & 
Javier Lerch

Myeong-Ho Sohn &     Effects of Foreknowledge and Foreperiod on Task-Switching Cost (slides) 
John R. Anderson

Linda Jongman,       The Working Memory Hypothesis of Mental Fatigue (abstract)
Theo Meijman, & 
Ritske de Jong

Christian Lebiere    The Future of ACT-R 

Christian Lebiere    Blending: An ACT-R Mechanism for Aggregate Retrievals (abstract,slides)

Frank Lee &          Modelling Dynamic Tasks: Implications for ACT-R/PM (abstract,slides)
Mike Byrne

Kenning Marchant     Economic Actors, Legal Actions and ACT-R: A Discrete Mathematical Alternative to 
                     Rational Choice (slides)

Micheal Matessa &    Modeling Communication in a Graph Comparison Task (abstract,slides)
John R. Anderson

Neville Moray        Invited Address (abstract)

Dario Salvucci &     An ACT-R Model of Analogical Thinking (paper,slides)
John R. Anderson

Mike Schoelles &     Modeling an Interactive Dynamic Task: Argus Prime (slides)
Wayne D. Gray

Wolfgang Schoppek    Rules and Instances in the Control of a Static System - Modeling the Influence of 
                     Casual Interpretation (paper)

Christian Schunn     Exploring Individual Variability Using ACT-R (slides)

Eric Scott           A Hybrid Model of the Novices' Performance on a Simulated CIC Task 

Tony Simon           Explaining Apparent Infant Numerical Competence in Terms of 
                     Object Representation (abstract,slides)

Niels Taatgen        Learning without Limits (slides)

Werner Tack          Probabilistic Production Selection in ACT-R (paper)

Atsushi Terao &      Solving Non-isomorphic Algebra Word Problems
Takashi Kusumi

Hedderik van Rijn,   Stair- and Wave-like Development on the Balance Scale Task (slides)
Irma Houtzager, &
Maarten van Someren

Dieter Wallach &     Example-based Models of Control Problems (paper,slides)
Christian Lebiere

Alan White           Modeling Individual Differences in Alphabet Arithmetic

Richard Young        ACT-R and Soar Still have Much to Learn from Each Other (slides)

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