ACT-R the theory is embodied in ACT-R the software. The software is available as an application or as source code.

This page makes available a soon to be released version of the ACT-R 7 software.

The current software is available on the software page.


Version 7.28-<3375:2024-06-18>

Standalone Applications

Installation and running instructions can be found in the included Readme files because they differ by version. There are also short videos of running each the first time to show the typical issues that may arise.

Source Code

The source code is available here and from the subversion archive at svn:// The QuickStart.txt file has instructions on how to run ACT-R from sources.

Tutorial Units

The unit texts can be downloaded separately, but are already included in the software distributions above.

Reference Manuals

The manuals for the ACT-R software are included in the docs directory of the software distributions and also available here:

  • ACT-R remote interface documentation
  • Support

    If you have any problems, questions, or comments about the ACT-R software please contact Dan.