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G. Jones
Ritter, F. E., Baxter, G. D., Jones, G., & Young, R. M. (2001). User interface evaluation: How cognitive models can help. In J. Carroll (Ed.), Human-computer interaction in the new millennium. 125-147. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Jones, G., & Ritter, F. E. (2000). Over-estimating cognition time: The benefits of using a task simulation. In Simulating Human Agents, American Association for Artificial Intelligence Fall 2000 Symposium Series (pp. 67-74). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Ritter, F. E., Baxter, G. D., Jones, G., & Young, R. M. (2000). Supporting cognitive models as users. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7(2), 1-33.
Jones, G., Ritter, F. E., & Wood, D. J. (2000). Using a cognitive architecture to examine what develops. Psychological Science, 11(2), 1-8.
Jones, G., & Ritter, F. E. (1998). Initial explorations of modifying architectures to simulate cognitive and perceptual development. In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Cognitive Modelling. 44-51. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.
Jones, G., & Ritter, F. E. (1998). Simulating development by modifying architectures. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society. 543-548. Madison, WI: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Jones, G., & Ritter, F. E. (1997). Modelling transitions in childrens' development by starting with adults. In European Conference on Cognitive Science, 62-67. Manchester, UK.