Dan Bothell
Carnegie Mellon University
Anderson, J.R., Betts, S., Bothell, D., Dimov, C.M. and Fincham, J.M. (2024), Tracking the Cognitive Band in an Open-Ended Task. Cognitive Science, 48: e13454. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13454 Dimov, C. M., Anderson, J. R., Betts, S. A., & Bothell, D. (2023). An Integrated Model of Collaborative Skill Acquisition: Anticipation, Control Tuning, and Role Adoption. Cognitive Science, 47:e13303. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13303 Anderson, J.R., Betts, S., Bothell, D., Hope, R., Lebiere, C. (2019) Learning Rapid and Precise Skills. Psychological Review, 126(5), 727-760. Lebiere, C., Bothell, D., Morrison, D., Oltramari, A., Romero, O., Thomson, R., & Vinokurov, J. (2015). Strong CogSci: Guidance from Cognitive Science On the Design of a Test of Artificial Intelligence. In Rossi, F (Ed), Beyond The Turing Test Workshop Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference. Austin, TX. Anderson, J. R., Bothell, D., Fincham, J. M., Anderson, A. R., Poole, B. & Qin, Y. (2011). Brain Regions Engaged by Part- and Whole-task Performance in a Video Game: A Model-based Test of the Decomposition Hypothesis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 3983-3997. Fu, W.-T., Bothell, D., Douglass, S., Haimson, C., Sohn, M.-H., & Anderson, J. A. (2006), Toward a Real-Time Model-Based Training System. Interacting with Computers, 18(6), 1216-1230. Anderson, J. R., Bothell, D., Byrne, M. D., Douglass, S., Lebiere, C., & Qin, Y . (2004). An integrated theory of the mind. Psychological Review 111, (4). 1036-1060. Fu, W.-T., Bothell, D., Douglass, S., Haimson, C., Sohn, M.-H., & Anderson, J. R. (2004) Learning from real-time over-the-shoulder instructions in a dynamic task. In Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 100-105). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh.