The Future of ACT-R



Fourth Annual ACT-R Workshop

Carnegie Mellon University

August 5, 1997


Christian Lebiere


Last Year’s Changes


• Eliminate lists as built-in type

unbounded span?

chunks as cons cells


• Eliminate generalized negation

exhaustive search? latency?

conflict resolution can handle it


• Eliminate instantiation-specific PG-C

q, a, r, b only as (learned) numbers

can still introduce an arbitrary evaluation function through the :value parameter


• Disallow bindings to nil?




• New dependency-based analogy

Better syntax

More flexible, general mechanism


Conflict Resolution



Instantiations generated in parallel and evaluated in order of increasing latency.




• Cutoff latency is NOT matching latency.


• Assumes excessive parallelism.




• Productions that match the goal are

instantiated sequentially.


• Highest PG-C considered first.


• No multiple instantiations.


• Production latencies are cumulative.


• Latency of retrieval failure is latency

of activation threshold (0.0 by default).

Q & A & R & B




Q&A and R&B are the probability of success and cost of the action of the present production and all productions until ultimate success or failure, resp.

The value of a subgoal is the PG-C of the instantiation, with multiple subgoals getting half the value of the previous one.




• Need to estimate the success of the

matching part of the production.


• Arbitrary termination points for success

and failure leads to improper credit

assignment and lack of generalization.


• Subgoals are penalized multiple times.


• Subgoal value gets exponentially low.


Q & A & R & B cont.




• Q&A apply to the matching, action and

subgoals of a production.


• R&B apply to future productions until

the current goal is popped.


• When learning R&B, a goal fails if the

popping production is marked as :failure

or if the goal is popped by default.

Otherwise the goal succeeds.


• When learning Q&A, a production fails if

the matching or action part fails or any

of its subgoals fail.


• The value of a subgoal is equal to rG-b

of the creating instantiation. For nth of

many subgoals, divide rG-b by n.


• For analogized productions,

estimate Q&A from the matching part.


Popping upon Failure



The best instantiation considered is fired. If none is found, the system stops.




• Sometimes gets lost considering

instantiations with very negative PG-C.


• Sometimes gets stuck in subgoals.




• Pop the goal when no instantiation can

be found with a positive PG-C.


• Return a :failure value to signal the

failure to parent goals.


• Provides an estimate of the time to

create (memorize) a wme by subgoaling.


• Replaces usual Give Up production.






Multiple copies of same chunk (goal) are created.




• Subgoals have to be repeatedly

recomputed because they cannot be

retrieved or rehearsed.




• When a goal is popped, it is merged with

any identical wme, which is reinforced.


• Does not apply to rhs creation or

modification of wmes.


Activation Noise



New Gaussian noise of mean 0 and variance AN is added to each wme at each iteration.




• Too high: wide fluctuation from cycle to

cycle in ability to recall chunks.


• Too low: not enough randomness in

which chunks are recalled or not.




• Introduce a Permanent Activation Noise

added to a wme’s base level at creation.

Defaults to NIL (current situation).


• High PAN and low (T)AN provides for

randomness but consistency in recall.


• P/TAN ~ Representation/Processing.


The ACT-R System



(p future


• ACT-R 3.0


• development environment


• visual interface


• analogy authoring tools


• experimental paradigm software


& models models models




integrate system components


integrate independent models
