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ACT-R 4.0
A Users Manual
Table Of Contents
Section 0 Introduction 2
Section 1 Commands 3
Section 2 Models 12
Section 3 Global Parameters and Traces 14
Section 4 Declarative Memory 20
Section 5 Goal Stack 25
Section 6 Procedural Memory 26
Section 7 Partial Matching 34
Section 8 Analogy 36
Section 9 Hooks 40
Section 10 Bibliography 41
Section 0 Introduction
The following conventions will be used throughout this document: Items appearing in bold are to be entered verbatim; items appearing in italics take user-supplied values such as chunk, slot or production names; items enclosed in {curly braces} are optional; * indicates that any number of items may be supplied; | indicates a choice between several options. ::= indicates that the item on the left of that symbol is of the form given by the expression on the right. Note that arguments to commands must not be quoted (i.e., preceded by a "'" mark) as is standard for most LISP function calls. None of the commands are case-sensitive. Commands and sections of this document that are frequently used or are likely to be especially useful to beginners are indicated by the symbol "
".ACT-R 4.0 (hereafter referred to as ACT-R, unless otherwise specified) was written in Macintosh Common LISP. However, it strictly adheres to the standard put forth in the second edition of "Common Lisp: The Language" by Guy Steele Jr. and should run without any modifications in any complete Common Lisp implementation. If a compiler is not available in your implementation, you should set the variable *compile-eval-calls* to NIL when it is defined at the top of the code file. This manual is a reference for the ACT-R implementation. It is not meant to be a treatise, a tutorial or a textbook on ACT-R. A good understanding of the first chapters of Anderson & Lebieres upcoming The Atomic Components of Thought (ACT in short) is required before experimenting with ACT-R.
The ACT-R folder should contain:
ACT-R 4.0: the source code, which can be loaded directly or first compiled.
Load ACT-R 4.0 (optional): a compiled version of the code for fast loading.
Manual: this manual, written in Microsoft Word 5.1.
Changes: outlines the few changes from the previous version, ACT-R 3.0.
Examples: a directory containing a number of ACT-R models.
Section 1 Commands
Command List
The following commands are available to define an ACT-R model and control the ACT-R production system. The command Help without any argument (i.e. (Help)) will print the list of commands, and if given one or more command(s) as argument will display a short description of the command(s) (e.g. (Help Help) will print something like "HELP: Outputs a short description of one or more ACT-R command(s), or the full list of commands if none is supplied.").
Displays the current activation sources with their level. Returns the list of sources.
(Actr-Time {delay})
Returns the current ACT-R time and, if delay is specified, adds it to the current time.
(Add-IA {(chunkj chunki sji)}*)
Adds inter-associativity (IA) values between chunks. Sji is defined as the new IA value from chunkj to chunki. Returns the list of added IAs.
(Add-DM {(chunkname isa chunktype {slot value}*)}*)
(Chunk-Slot-Value chunk slot )
Returns the value of slot of chunk.
(Chunk-Type {type | (type (:include supertype)} {slot | (slot value)}* )
Clears all chunks from declarative memory. It is especially strongly recommended to use Clear-All or Reset instead for resetting purposes.
Clears the goal stack by popping all goals and restoring the top goal as the focus.
Clears all productions from production memory. It is strongly recommended to use Clear-All or Reset instead for resetting purposes.
Closes the current output stream file established by a call to Output-Stream.
Closes the current trace stream file established by a call to Trace-Stream.
(Copy-Chunk {chunk}*)
Makes a new copy of each chunk and returns the list of copies.
(Delete-Chunk {chunk}*)
Deletes chunks from declarative memory. Do not use if chunk is still used in other chunks or productions. Returns the list of deleted chunks.
(DM {chunk }*)
(Focus-on-Goal chunk)
Replaces the focus with chunk , similarly to the !focus-on! production command. Returns the new focus.
(Get-Base-Level {chunk}*)
Returns base level activation of chunks. Returns the list of base levels.
(Get-Name {chunk-or-production}*)
Returns the list of names of chunks and/or productions.
(Goal-Focus {chunk}*)
Displays the focus, then the current contents of the goal stack from top to bottom. Each goal is followed by its goal value G. Returns the goal stack, i.e. a list of goal stack frames, current focus not included.
(Help { command }*)
Displays a short description of command, or prints the whole list of command if none is given.
(IA chunkj chunki)
Displays the IA value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the IA structure.
(Load-Model file {directory})
Loads the model file in directory . If directory is not supplied, then file is considered relative to the directory of the file in which the command appears, if applicable.
(Mod-Chunk chunk {slot value}*)
Modifies chunk by setting each slot to value. Returns the modified chunk.
(Mod-Focus {slot value}*)
Same as Mod-Chunk, with the chunk set to the focus. Returns the modified focus.
(No-Output {command}*)
Evaluates a number of ACT-R command while turning all printing off. Useful in reducing output when passing results between commands. Returns the output of the last command.
(Output-Stream file {:echo echo})
Causes all production output (i.e., anything produced by !output! commands) to be sent to the specified file. If the :echo keyword is supplied with a non-nil value, then the output is directed to the specified file, and a copy is also sent to the Listener window. The output stream created should always be explicitly closed using Close-Output before clearing, resetting or quitting ACT-R. Returns the stream.
(P production lhs ==> rhs)
Defines production as composed of a matching side lhs and an action side rhs. Returns the new production. See Section 6 for details.
(Parameters production {parameter value}*)
Sets a number of parameter to value for production. Each possible parameter and its current value can be obtained using the production-parameter command . Parameters can be omitted and appear in any order. A warning is issued if any value is of the wrong type or range. Returns the list of values, or :error for failed settings. See Section 6 for details.
(PBreak {production}*)
Sets breakpoints for productions. If production is about to fire, then the instantiation is displayed as if by Production Trace, but the production does not actually fire. Instead, a Lisp break occurs, allowing one to examine and/or change declarative memory, establish other breakpoints, etc. Then continue or abort as indicated by the Lisp environment. Use PUnbreak to remove breakpoints. Returns the list of productions with break points.
(PDisable {production}*)
Disables productions. production is not allowed to match or fire, but it can be printed by PP and re-enabled by PEnable. Returns the list of disabled productions, including failed analogized productions.
(PEnable {production}*)
Enables productions. Undoes the effect of PDisable. Returns the list of disabled productions, including failed analogized productions.
Prints out all production instantiations that match against the current state of declarative memory. Returns the conflict set, i.e. the list of instantiations generated.
Pops the top goal off the stack and installs it as the focus, similarly to the !pop! production command. Returns the new focus.
(PP {production}*)
Prints the specified productions or all enabled ones if none is supplied. Returns the list of productions printed.
(Production-Parameter production {parameter}*)
Displays the value of parameter for production. If no parameter is specified, then all active (as defined by global parameters) parameters are displayed and the production is returned. If parameters are specified, then they are printed with their values and the list of values is returned. See Section 6 for details.
(PSet {set | set {command }* | {(set {command }*)}*})
Parameters Set. Prints, defines and activates sets of parameters. If no argument is given, then the current parameter sets are printed. If the name of a set is given, then the commands composing that set are executed. Otherwise, one or more sets are defined by specifying the name of a new set (or an old one to be redefined) and a number of parameter-setting commands (e.g. sgp, Sdp, spp, parameters, or any other commands) composing that set.
(Pstep {length})
(PUnbreak {production}*)
Removes breakpoints for productions. Undoes the effect of PBreak. If no production is given, all breakpoints are removed. Returns the list of productions with break points.
(Push-Goal chunk)
Pushes the focus on the goal stack and installs chunk as the new focus, similarly to the !push! production command. Returns the new focus.
Resets default IA values using present connectivity.
(Run {length})
(Run-Many {iteration})
Runs the production system by focusing in sequence on each chunk defined by the last Goal-Focus then calling Run, iterations times.
(SDM {ISA type} {slot value}*)
Searches declarative memory. All chunks of type type (if specified, otherwise all chunks are considered) with slot value equal to value are displayed. Returns the list of chunks matching the condition(s).
(Sdp {specification | {(specification )}*})
(Set-All-Base-Levels {baselevel | references {creation-time } })
Sets the base levels of all chunks. See Set-Base-Levels for parameters. Returns the new base level.
(Set-Analogized-Parameters {parameter value}*)
Sets various parameters for initializing analogized productions. The arguments are the same as for the command Parameters (minus production). Returns the argument.
(Set-Base-Levels {(chunk baselevel) | (chunk references {creation-time })}*)
Sets the base level activations of chunks. If Base Level Learning is off, then the base level of chunk should be supplied directly. Otherwise, the number of past references and perhaps the creation-time should be provided. Returns the list of base levels.
(Set-DM {(chunkname isa chunktype {slot value}*)}*)
Same as Add-DM.
(Set-G G {:threshold threshold})
Sets the value of the goal value G and perhaps the goal-threshold, as a percentage of G.. Provided for compatibility only. Use sgp.
(Set-General-Base-Levels {(chunk baselevel) | (chunk creation-time references)}*)
Same as Set-Base-Levels.
(Set-IA {(chunkj chunki sji)}*)
Same as Add-IA.
(Set-Similarities {(chunkj chunki similarity)}*)
Sets the similarity value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the list of similarity values.
(Sgp {{:parameter value}* | {:parameter}*})
(Similarity chunkj chunki)
Displays the similarity value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the similarity value.
(Spp {specification | {(specification )}*})
(Trace-Stream file {:echo echo})
Causes all trace output to be sent to the specified file. The arguments work as for Output-Stream, and the resulting stream should always be closed using Close-Trace. A finer degree of control over trace dispatching can be achieved through the use of sgp. Returns the stream.
(WhyNot {production}*)
Attempts to match production(s) against the current state of declarative memory. A detailed matching trace is displayed as by Exact Matching Trace and Partial Matching Trace, and if any instantiations result they are also displayed. Returns the conflict set, i.e. the list of instantiations.
(WhyNot-Analogy {chunk}*)
Attempts to perform analogy using chunk as examples, with Analogy Trace, Exact Matching Trace and Partial Matching Trace on. Returns the name, analogized production and latency of the analogy process.
Combining Commands
More complex tasks can be accomplished by combining several commands together by sending the output from a command to another command and so on. A distinction must first be drawn between a command and its underlying function, which has the same name as the command with the "-fct" suffix appended. A command typically does not evaluate its arguments and, when any number of arguments may be supplied, they are given one after the other without being included in a list. The functions underlying commands, on the other hand, do evaluate their arguments and usually require multiple arguments to be specified as a list. In practice, that means that when results from a command or function are passed to another, then the function form must be used for the latter rather than the command form. E.g., to delete chunks three, five and seven, the command form would be:
(Delete-Chunk three five seven)
whereas the function form would require quoting the arguments and including them in a list:
(Delete-Chunk-fct (three five seven))
As an example of command combination, to delete all chunks of type addition-fact, you could write:
(Delete-Chunk-fct (SDM isa addition-fact))
The internal SDM command will print and return the list of chunks of type addition-fact, which is then passed to the Delete-Chunk-fct function to be removed from memory. If you do not want the SDM command to print the list of chunks which it returns, you can use the no-output command to turn off printing during execution of its argument, while still returning the same value:
(Delete-Chunk-fct (no-output (SDM isa addition-fact)))
Some functions take their arguments in a slightly more complex form than a list. To find out the functional form equivalent to a command, use the Lisp function macroexpand:
(macroexpand '(Mod-Chunk dime on left next nickel))
will return (Mod-Chunk-fct dime (on left next nickel)), indicating that Mod-Chunk-fct takes two arguments, first the chunk to be modified, then the list of slot-value pairs.
Note that many of those, including SDM, DM and pp, return actual chunks and productions, not their names as it may appear from the printing. The same is true for production variables which are also bound to actual chunks. To obtain the name of chunks and productions, use the get-name command. For example, to obtain the list of the names of chunks of type peg:
(get-name-fct (SDM isa peg))
Outdated Commands
A number of command names have been changed in ACT-R 4.0 from earlier versions to systematize the use of the hyphen "-" as a word separator in commands and to remove references to the phrase "working memory" and its derivatives ("wm", "wme") with the more accurate "declarative memory" and related concepts ("dm", "chunk" and "goal"). The outdated commands can still be used, but usage of their replacements is recommended. The outdated commands are listed below with their replacements. That information can also be obtained by using the Help function with those commands.
See Activation-Sources.
(ActrTime {delay})
See Actr-Time.
(AddIA {(wmej wmei sji)}*)
See Add-IA.
(AddWM {(wmename isa wmetype {slot value}*)}*)
See Add-DM.
See Clear-All.
See Clear-Goal-Stack.
See Clear-Productions.
See Clear-DM.
See Close-Output.
See Close-Trace.
(CopyWme {wme}*)
See Copy-Chunk.
(DeleteWM {wme}*)
See Delete-Chunk.
(Focus-on-Wme wme)
See Focus-on-Goal.
(GetBaseLevel {wme}*)
See Get-Base-Level.
See Goal-Stack.
(ModFocus {slot value}*)
See Mod-Focus.
(ModWME wme {slot value}*)
See Mod-Chunk.
(OutputStream file {:echo echo})
See Output-Stream.
See Pop-Goal.
(Push-Wme wme)
See Push-Goal.
See Reset-IA.
(SetAllBaseLevels {baselevel | references {creation-time } })
See Set-All-Base-Levels.
(SetAnalogizedParameters {parameter value}*)
See Set-Analogized-Parameters.
(SetBaseLevels {(wme baselevel) | (wme references {creation-time })}*)
See Set-Base-Levels.
(SetG G {:threshold threshold})
See Set-G.
(SetGeneralBaseLevels {(wme baselevel) | (wme creation-time references)}*)
See Set-General-Base-Levels.
(SetIA {(wmej wmei sji)}*)
See Set-IA.
(SetSimilarities {(wmej wmei similarity)}*)
See Set-Similarities.
(SetWM {(wmename isa wmetype {slot value}*)}*)
See Set-DM.
(SWM {ISA type} {slot value}*)
See SDM.
(Swp {specification | {(specification )}*})
See Sdp.
(TraceStream file {:echo echo})
See Trace-Stream.
(WM {wme }*)
See DM.
(WMESlotValue wme slot )
See Chunk-Slot-Value.
(WMEType {type | (type (:include supertype)} {slot | (slot value)}* )
See Chunk-Type.
(WMFocus {wme}*)
See Goal-Focus.
Section 2 Models
Although a fully interactive mode is possible, in general ACT-R models should be developed in a file or files instead of the listener to make saving and resetting easier. A call to (Clear-All) should always be at the top of the main model file, to clear previous models and define from where to reset the current model:
It should be followed by a call to the sgp command (see Section 3) if any global parameters and traces need to be set.
Load and Reset
If preliminary model files need to be included (e.g. the example file integers as the standard representation of integers and arithmetic facts), they should be loaded immediately after the clearing and setting of global parameters, using either the Lisp load command or the ACT-R load-model command (see the Equation example):
(Load-Model file {directory})
Loads the model file in directory . If directory is not supplied, then file is considered relative to the directory of the file in which the command appears, if applicable.
When the model has been run and needs to be reset to its starting point, use the (reset) command:
Reset works by saving, when it encounters the initial (Clear-All), the contents of the model file after the Clear-All command and any other files it loads after it. Resetting then consists in reevaluating the saved contents without re-reading the file itself. This implies that if the model file has been modified since it was loaded, then it must be reloaded rather than reset, using the reload command:
For reset, reload and load-model to work properly, the main model file should be loaded using load-model, rather than other commands such as Eval Buffer which may be available in the Lisp environment. In some Lisp implementations such as Macintosh Common Lisp and Allegro Common Lisp, using the Lisp command load will also work. Also, if the model includes some Lisp definitions, those should be either included before the Clear-All command or in a separate file to be loaded beforehand, either from the model file or independently.
General Model Format
The general model format should therefore be:
<load or define Lisp functions (if necessary)>
(Clear-All) ;; this command should only appear in the main model file
<set global parameters>
<load related models (if necessary)>
<define chunk types>
<define chunks>
<define chunk parameters (if necessary)>
<define productions>
<define production parameters (if necessary)>
<general commands, commented trace of model run, and other miscellaneous>
Model and Running
The core of the model should define declarative memory (using commands such as Chunk-Type, Add-DM and others described in Section 4), select the initial goal stack focus (using the Goal-Focus command described in Section 5) then procedural memory (using commands such as p and parameters described in Section 6). Keeping to that order helps avoid having items such as chunks being used before they are defined. The main command to run the model is the run command:
(Run {length})
The Pstep command lets the user step through a run and perhaps guide ACT-R by selecting the instantiation to fire:
(Pstep {length})
Section 3 Global Parameters and Traces
Sgp command
The sgp command (for Set Global Parameters) is used to query and set the value of global parameters and toggle traces, both interactively and in model files. Since the internal variable names of some global parameters have been changed from ACT-R 2.0, it is strongly recommended to update the setf Lisp commands used to set them in previous models to the corresponding sgp command. The syntax of sgp is:
(Sgp {{:parameter value}* | {:parameter}*})
When sgp is called without arguments (i.e. (sgp)), the list of global parameters is printed. Each line includes the full name of the parameter, a two- or three-letter keyword for use when setting its value with sgp, and its current value. The parameters are listed in groups separated by dotted lines, each containing a number of related parameters. Each group and its parameters is detailed below. A value of NIL means that the function corresponding to the parameter is disabled. A value of T means that it is enabled. Other types of values are specified when acceptable. Note that values are set as specified and are NOT evaluated.
Rational Analysis
Enable Rational Analysis
keyword: ERA default value: NIL
keyword: G default value: 20.0
The value of the goal in the PG-C evaluation (ACT Equation 2.1). Must be a positive number.
G Threshold
keyword: GT default value: 0.05
The use of this parameter has been discontinued in ACT-R 4.0 due to the new conflict resolution scheme.
Expected Gain S
keyword: EGS default value: NIL
If enabled, the S-value of the Gaussian noise added to the PG-C evaluation for each instantiation (ACT equation 2.4). Must be a positive number. The variance can be accessed as EGN.
Enable Randomness
keyword: ER default value: NIL
If enabled, ties among instantiations are broken randomly, rather than according to some unspecified but deterministic order.
Goal Activation
keyword: GA default value: 1.0
Base Level Constant
keyword: BLC default value: 0.0
A constant added to all chunk base levels, i.e. ( in ACT equation 2.6). Can be any number.
Activation Noise S
keyword: ANS default value: NIL
If enabled, the S-value of the Gaussian noise added to each chunk activation at every cycle. Must be a positive number. The variance ( in ACT equation 2.6) can be accessed as AN.
Permanent Activation S
keyword: PAS default value: NIL
If enabled, the S-value of the Gaussian noise added to the chunk activation at creation. Must be a positive number. The variance ( in ACT equation 2.6) can be accessed as PAN.
Analogy Strength
keyword: AS default value: 0.0
The strength of the analogy process. In a manner analogous to production strengths, it is added to the activation of chunk retrievals during analogy. Can be any number. See Section 8 for details.
Latency Hook
keyword: LH default value: CHOSEN-LATENCY
Latency Factor
keyword: LF default value: 1.0
The multiplicative factor F in ACT equation 2.11. Must be a positive number.
Latency Exponent
keyword: LE default value: 1.0
The exponent factor f in ACT equation 2.11. Must be a positive number.
Default Action Time
keyword: DAT default value: 0.05
The default action time of a production, i.e. the right-hand side part of the a parameter in ACT equation 2.3. Must be a positive number, usually interpreted in milliseconds. This default has been changed from 1.0 in previous ACT-R versions.
Partial Matching
For further details on partial matching, see Section 7 in this manual and the papers cited in the bibliography.
Partial Matching
keyword: PM default value: NIL
Enables partial matching.
Mismatch Penalty
keyword: MP default value: 1.5
Penalty subtracted from the activation of a chunk for a complete mismatch in a slot pattern. Multiplied by 1.0 - similarity for partial mismatches. Must be a positive number.
Retrieval Threshold
keyword: RT default value: NIL
When enabled, chunks with activation levels below this threshold cannot be retrieved. Works with both partial and exact (standard) matching. Can be any number.
Optimized Learning
keyword: OL default value: T
Base Level Learning
keyword: BLL default value: NIL
If enabled, used as d in ACT equation 3.1 for learning the base level activations of chunks. Must be a positive number, with 0.5 the standard value.
Associative Learning
keyword: AL default value: NIL
If enabled, used as a in ACT equation 3.3 for learning the associative strength between pairs of chunks. Must be a positive number.
Strength Learning
keyword: SL default value: NIL
If enabled, used as d in ACT equation 3.4 for learning the strength of productions. Must be a positive number, preferably less than 1.0.
Parameters Learning
keyword: PL default value: NIL
If enabled, the parameters a, b, q and r will be learned for each production according to ACT equations 3.5 and 3.6.
Enable Analogy
keyword: EA default value: NIL
If enabled, the analogy mechanism is enabled at every iteration and competes with other instantiations in the conflict resolution process. If set to RESTRICTED, analogy is only enabled when no instantiation can be found, which corresponds to the mode of operation in previous versions of ACT-R.
These traces are enumerated here roughly in the order they would appear during each production cycle. They can be enabled by being set to T, which sends the trace output to the standard output (Lisp listener), or to any file name, pathname or stream if output is to be directed to another destination. Each trace message starts on a new line and is indented by a number of spaces proportional to the current depth of the goal stack.
Exact Matching Trace
keyword: EMT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a message during production matching every time a condition is evaluated.
Partial Matching Trace
keyword: PMT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a message during production matching every time a condition is evaluated when Partial Matching is enabled.
Analogy Trace
keyword: AT default value: T
If enabled, prints the main steps of the analogy process.
Activation Trace
keyword: ACT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a trace of the main steps during computation of chunk activation.
Conflict Resolution Trace
keyword: CRT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints the name of each production as it is matched curing conflict resolution.
Conflict Set Trace
keyword: CST default value: NIL
If this option is enabled, prints the number of instantiations in the conflict set, and, when rational analysis is enabled, the number of instantiations that were considered and the expected gain of the instantiation that will fire.
Matches Trace
keyword: MT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints all the instantiations generated. A setting of SHORT will simply print the list of variables and their values for each instantiation, and a setting of T will print the whole production(s) with the variables replaced by their values.
Production Trace
keyword: PT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints the selected production instantiation before firing it. A setting of SHORT will simply print the list of variables and their values, and a setting of T will print the whole production with the variables replaced by their values.
Cycle Trace
keyword: CT default value: T
If enabled, prints the cycle number, current time and name of selected production.
Latency Trace
keyword: LT default value: T
If enabled, prints the latency of the production matching (when rational analysis is enabled - see ACT equations 2.10 and 2.11) and the latency of the action side of the production.
Output Trace
keyword: OT default value: T
If enabled, prints the output of !output! commands on the right-hand side of productions.
Declarative Memory Trace
keyword: DMT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a message when a chunk is created, deleted or modified.
Goal Trace
keyword: GT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a message when the focus is changed.
keyword: V default value: T
If enabled, the traces are printed as enabled. If disabled, turns off all trace output regardless of which is enabled. Disabling this trace is useful to easily turn off all trace output when running in batch mode where performance is key.
Obtaining Parameter Value
To print and return the value of some but not all parameters, sgp can be called with just the list of those parameters. For example, to print the value of G, GThreshold and Conflict Resolution Trace:
(sgp :g :gth :crt)
which will also return the list of their (default here) values:
(20.0 0.05 NIL)
Setting Parameters and Traces
To set global parameters and traces, simply call the sgp command with as arguments the series of one- to three-letters keywords preceded by the keyword specifier : (no space), followed by the desired value. For example, to set the Goal value G to 10.0 and to turn Activation Trace on:
(sgp :g 10.0 :act t)
In general, sgp will check that the values supplied fall within the required type and range for the parameter, and reject those that don't while printing a warning message. Note again that turning Verbose off is a quick way to shut off all the traces for maximum running efficiency.
Section 4 Declarative Memory
Type Definitions
Each chunk is of a particular type, which must be defined before an element of that type can be created. Types are defined using the Chunk-Type command:
(Chunk-Type {type | (type (:include supertype)} {slot | (slot value)}* )
The ACT-R type hierarchy only allows single inheritance, i.e. only one (previously defined) type can be defined as the parent of a new type, which inherits all the slots of the parent. Chunks of the new type will match any production template specifying the type of the parent or further ancestors.
Chunk Definitions
Chunks can be added using the Add-DM command:
(Add-DM {(chunkname isa chunktype {slot value}*)}*)
Chunktype must have been previously defined as including each slot. Note that not all slots of the chunk need to be initialized (in which case they will contain the standard value NIL), and that they can appear in any order. If a symbol which hasn't yet been defined as a chunk appears as a slot value in a chunk (or production) definition, it will be defined by default as a chunk of the built-in type chunk, which has no slots. Chunks can be redefined of being of a different type, in which case the new type and slot/values definition will replace the old, although the rest of the chunk history will remain unchanged and a warning message will be printed.
A chunk can be modified using the Mod-Chunk command:
(Mod-Chunk chunk {slot value}*)
Modifies chunk by setting each slot to value. Returns the modified chunk.
Chunks can be deleted using the Delete-Chunk command:
(Delete-Chunk {chunk}*)
Deletes chunks from declarative memory. Do not use if chunk is still used in other chunks or productions. Returns the list of deleted chunks.
A warning message will be printed if a deleted chunk is still used as a value in another chunk or production, and the resulting effect is undefined (in other words: don't do it).
Search and Display
The contents of declarative memory, or just some selected chunks, can be displayed using the DM command:
(DM {chunk }*)
Declarative memory can also be searched for chunks fitting a particular pattern using the SDM command:
(SDM {ISA type} {slot value}*)
Searches declarative memory. All chunks of type type (if specified, otherwise all chunks are considered) with slot value equal to value are displayed. Returns the list of chunks matching the condition(s).
For example, to display all chunks of type addition-fact with a value of slot sum of five:
(SDM isa addition-fact sum 5)
Individual slot values can be obtained using the Chunk-Slot-Value command:
(Chunk-Slot-Value chunk slot )
Returns the value of slot of chunk.
To each chunk is associated a quantity called activation, described in ACT equation 2.5, which is the sum of its base level and the activation spread from the current activation sources. The base level of chunks (see ACT equation 3.1) can be queried using the Get-Base-Level command and set using the Set-Base-Levels and Set-All-Base-Levels command:
(Get-Base-Level {chunk}*)
Returns base level activation of chunks. Returns the list of base levels.
(Set-Base-Levels {(chunk baselevel) | (chunk creation-time references)}*)
Sets the base level activations of chunks. If Base Level Learning is off, then the base level of chunk should be supplied directly. Otherwise, the creation time and number of past references should be provided. Returns the list of base levels.
(Set-All-Base-Levels {baselevel | creation-time references})
Sets the base levels of all chunks. See Set-Base-Levels for parameters. Returns the new base level.
For example, with Base Level Learning on, to specify that chunk 3+4=7 was created at time -1000.0 and has been accessed 10 times since:
(Set-Base-Levels (3+4=7 -1000.0 10))
The rest of a chunk's activation is computed by summing the product of each activation source level times the Interactive Activation (IA) value from the source to the chunk. The activation sources are the set of chunks in the slots of the focus, at a level of Goal Activation divided by the number of sources. They can be displayed using the Activation-Sources command:
Displays the current activation sources with their level. Returns the list of sources.
IA values can be queried and set using the IA and Add-IA command respectively:
(IA chunkj chunki)
Displays the IA value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the IA structure.
(Add-IA {(chunkj chunki sji)}*)
Adds inter-associativity (IA) values between chunks. Sji is defined as the new IA value from chunkj to chunki. Returns the list of added IAs.
IA values which are not explicitly specified are initialized using ACT equation 3.2: the value of the IA value Sji between chunkj and chunki is log(m/n) if chunkj appears as a slot value of chunki and 0.0 otherwise. m is the number of chunks in declarative memory and n is the fan of chunkj, i.e. the number of chunks in which chunkj appears as a slot value.
Sdp Command
Base-levels, IA values and other declarative memory parameters can also be displayed, returned and set using the more general Sdp command:
(Sdp {specification | {(specification )}*})
specification ::= {chunk | ({chunk}*)} {{:parameter value}* | {:parameter}*} Show/Set Declarative Parameters. Any number of chunk parameter specifications can be given, each enclosed in parentheses. If only one is given, then the parentheses are optional. Each specification is composed of a chunk specification, followed by a parameter specification. The chunk specification specifies the chunk, or list of chunks to which it applies. If it is omitted then it applies to all chunks. The parameter specification is similar to the argument of sgp. If it is omitted, then all active (as determined by the current setting of global parameters) parameters for the chunk are printed and the chunk itself is returned. If a number of chunk parameters are specified, then those parameters are printed with their current values for the chunk, and a list of the values is returned. If a number of parameter-value pairs are specified, then each chunk parameter is set to its new value, and the list of values is returned, or :error for failed settings.
This command uses a syntax similar to sgp, where any number of parameter keywords can be specified in any order, perhaps followed by an assigned value. Again, values are NOT evaluated. The list of chunk parameters follows, with their keywords and default values, and a description:
keyword: :name
The name of the chunk. Cannot be set.
keyword: :activation default value: 0.0
The chunk activation, Ai in ACT equation 2.5. Cannot be set directly.
keyword: :source default value: NIL
The chunk source level, Wj in ACT equation 2.5. Can be set to NIL (0.0) or any number.
Base Level
keyword: :base-level default value: Base Level Constant
The chunk base level, Bi in ACT equation 2.5. Can be set to any number, only when Base Level Learning is disabled.
Creation Time
keyword: :creation-time default value: 0.0
The time at which the chunk was created. Used in Base Level Learning approximation equation to compute L (see discussion of ACT equation 3.1). Can be set to any number.
keyword: :references default value: (1.0)
The number and, when Optimized Learning is off, list of production matching times of chunk. Used in ACT equation 3.1. Can be set to the number or the list of references.
Source Spread
keyword: :source-spread default value: 0.0
The spreading activation to chunk, the second term in ACT equation 2.5. Cannot be set directly.
keyword: :ias default value: see above section
The Interactive Activation values to chunk i, Sji in ACT equation 2.5. Can be set to a list of chunk-number pairs used to update the IAs to i.
Creation Cycle
keyword: :creation-cycle default value: 0.0
The production cycle at which the chunk was created, used to compute F in ACT equation 3.3. Can be set to any number.
keyword: :needed default value: 0.0
The number of times the chunk has been retrieved, F(Ni) in ACT equation 3.3. Can be set to any number.
keyword: :contexts default value: 0.0
The number of production cycles the chunk was in context, scaled by its source level at the time, F(Cj) in ACT equation 3.3. Can be set to any number.
keyword: :similarities default value: ((chunk . 1.0))
The similarity values used in partial matching (see ACT equation 2.8). Can be set to a list of chunk-number pairs used to update the similarities to chunk.
Use of Sdp Command
For example, in the Tower of Hanoi model, to print all active parameters for all chunks:
To print the activation, base level and source spread for chunks penny, nickel, dime and quarter:
(Sdp (penny nickel dime quarter) :activation :base-level :source-spread)
To set the base level of those chunks to their monetary values, then print the same information as above:
(Sdp (penny :base-level 0.01) (nickel :base-level 0.05) (dime :base-level 0.1) (quarter :base-level 0.25)
((penny nickel dime quarter) :activation :base-level :source-spread))
Section 5 Goal Stack
ACT-R provides for a simple goal-stacking mechanism. At any point in time, (at most) one chunk is the focus, aka the (top) goal. This element is the root from which all productions must match. A chunk can be designated as the focus, replacing the current one if one had previously been selected, using the Goal-Focus command:
(Goal-Focus {chunk}*)
The slot values of the focus element can also be modified using the Mod-Focus command:
(Mod-Focus {slot value}*)
Same as Mod-Chunk, with the chunk set to the focus. Returns the modified focus.
The focus can also be manipulated by productions, which can push the focus on the goal stack, replacing it with a new one, pop the top goal off the goal stack to replace the current focus, or simply switch the focus without manipulating the stack (see Section 6). The contents of the goal stack can be inspected and cleared using the Goal-Stack and Clear-Goal-Stack commands respectively:
Displays the focus, then the current contents of the goal stack from top to bottom. Each goal is followed by its goal value G. Returns the goal stack, i.e. a list of goal stack frames, current focus not included.
Clears the goal stack by popping all goals and restoring the top goal as the focus.
Section 6 Procedural Memory
General Production Syntax
An ACT-R production consists of two halves: a matching part aka the left-hand side (lhs) and an action side aka the right-hand side (rhs). A production is declared using the p command:
(p production-name
{ =chunk>
isa chunk-type
{ {-} slot {value | =variable }}*
| !eval! expression
| !bind! =variable expression }*
{ =chunk>
{ isa chunk-type }
{ slot {value | =variable }}*
| !push! =variable
| !pop!
| !focus-on! =variable
| !output! ("output-string" {expression }*)
| !eval! expression
| !bind! =variable expression
| !delete! =variable
| !stop!
| !restart! }*
The opening "(p", delimiting "==>" and final ")" are all required. production-name is the name of the production, and lhs and rhs are the two sides of the production separated by the delimiter. Each side is composed of a number of chunk patterns used to match (for the lhs), create or modify (for the rhs) chunks in declarative memory, and some special commands appearing between exclamation marks "!".
Left-hand side
Variables can be bound to any element in declarative memory except the special element NIL used to initialize slots. They are represented by an equal sign "=" followed by the variable name. A left-hand side chunk pattern is composed of the variable bound to the chunk followed by the chunk selector ">", a type identification consisting of isa followed by the chunk type, then any number of conditions on its slot values. A condition consists of the slot name, followed by a value or variable. If a value is specified, then the content of the slot must equal the value for the condition to succeed. If a variable is specified and that variable has not appeared earlier in the lhs, then the condition succeeds and the variable is bound, i.e. its value later in the production is set to the value of the slot. If that value then appears later in a condition then its previously set value is sued to test the condition. If the negation marker "-" appears before the slot name, then the test is negated, i.e. it succeeds if it would otherwise fail and vice versa.
A chunk will match a chunk pattern it is of the required chunk type (or one of its descendants - see the chunk type hierarchy in Section 4) and if all the slot conditions are satisfied. The first chunk pattern must match to the focus. If a variable which has been previously bound is matched at the head of a chunk pattern, it is matched against the pattern in what is called a direct retrieval. If it hasnt yet been bound, all chunks in declarative memory are matched against the pattern independently in what is called an indirect retrieval. A set of bindings for all the variables appearing on the lhs of a production is called an instantiation of that production.
A number of special commands can appear on the lhs of a production:
!eval! (Left-hand side)
!eval! expression
expression is evaluated by Lisp. If the result is NIL, then matching fails, otherwise it succeeds. expression can be any legal Lisp expression and can include ACT-R variables previously bound in the lhs. Failures are traced by Exact Matching Trace. This command, inserted in parentheses, can also be used to directly specify a slot value.
!bind! (Left-hand side)
!bind! variable expression
expression is evaluated by Lisp and variable is bound to the result. If the result is NIL then matching fails, and succeeds otherwise. Failures are traced by Exact Matching Trace.
Right-hand side
The syntax of the right-hand side is similar to the left-hand sides, but the semantics is different. When a chunk pattern appears in the right-hand side, if the corresponding variable has been bound in the left-hand side the chunk will be modified, otherwise it will be created. The chunk type only needs to be specified is it hasnt previously been. Slot/value pairs now indicate how to modify or initialize the chunk slots. All variables appearing as slot values must have been previously bound, except for return variables. If a previously unbound variable appears as a slot value of a chunk which will be pushed on the stack (see below), it will be bound to the value of that slot when the chunk is popped off the stack. It will then be copied to the chunk slots in which it appears later in the right-hand side (see examples factorial and fibonacci for a simple and complex usage of return variables, respectively).
A number of special commands can also appear on the rhs of a production:
!push! variable
Pushes the current focus on top of the stack and replaces it with the subgoal variable, which must have previously bound. The previous focus can be restored by a later production using the !pop! command. This command is traced by Goal Trace.
Pops the current focus and restores as the focus the top goal of the stack. If the stack is empty, then the focus becomes NIL and the production system stops. This command is traced by Goal Trace.
!focus-on! variable
Replaces the current focus with the goal variable, which must have been previously bound. The current focus is not saved on the stack. This command is traced by Goal Trace.
Pops all the goals on the stack and restores the top-most goal. This command is traced by Goal Trace.
!output! ( "output-string" {expression }*)
Prints a message to Output Trace , which defaults to T, i.e. the Listener window, but can be redirected to any file or turned off by being set to NIL. The message consists of output-string, with the special dispatchers in the string replaced by the evaluation of the expressions, in order. In most cases, the only dispatcher needed is the two-character sequence ~S, which tries to print the best representation of the result of expression. For other dispatchers, see the Lisp command format. This command is controlled by Output Trace.
!eval! (Right-hand side)
!eval! expression
expression is evaluated by LISP. This command is used strictly for the side-effects of expression, and unlike its left-hand side version does not test the resulting value.
!bind! (Right-hand side)
!bind! variable expression
expression is evaluated by Lisp and variable is bound to the result.
!delete! variable
Deletes the chunk bound to variable. This command is traced by Declarative Memory Trace.
!Copy! variable {chunk }*
Copies each chunk (specified by a variable or expression) then binds variable to the list of chunk copies.
Stops the production system after this cycle.
Spp and related commands
Conflict resolution
is the process by which the system chooses among several competing instantiations. The value PG-C of a production instantiation is determined by a number of quantities associated with a production (see ACT equations 2.2, 2.3, 3.5 and 3.6) and which can be displayed and set using the production-parameter and parameters commands, respectively, or the more general spp command:(Production-Parameter production {parameter}*)
Displays the value of parameter for production. If no parameter is specified, then all active (as defined by global parameters) parameters are displayed and the production is returned. If parameters are specified, then they are printed with their values and the list of values is returned.
(Parameters production {parameter value}*)
Sets a number of parameter to value for production. Each possible parameter and its current value can be obtained using the production-parameter command . Parameters can be omitted and appear in any order. A warning is issued if any value is of the wrong type or range. Returns the list of values, or :error for failed settings.
(Spp {specification | {(specification )}*})
specification ::= {production | ({production}*)} {{:parameter value}* | {:parameter}*} Show/Set Production Parameters. Any number of production parameter specifications can be given, each enclosed in parentheses. If only one is given, then the parentheses are optional. Each specification is composed of a production specification, followed by a parameter specification. The production specification specifies the production, or list of productions to which it applies. If it is omitted then it applies to all productions. The parameter specification is similar to the argument of sgp. If it is omitted, then all active (as determined by the current setting of global parameters) parameters for the production are printed and the production itself is returned. If a number of production parameters are specified, then those parameters are printed with their current values for the production, and a list of the values is returned. If a number of parameter-value pairs are specified, then each production parameter is set to its new value, and the list of values is returned, or :error for failed settings. See section 6 for details.
These commands use a syntax similar to sgp, where any number of parameter keywords can be specified in any order, perhaps followed by an assigned value. The list of production parameters follows, with their keywords and default values, and a description:
keyword: :name
The name of the production. Cannot be set.
keyword: :chance default value: 1.0
The "real-world" probability that the production action will achieve its intended effect. Used to randomly determine the success of production firing. Q will be learned from this quantity if learning is enabled. Can be any Lisp expression evaluating to a probability.
keyword: :effort default value: Default Action Time
The "real-world" effort spent executing the production, usually interpreted as the amount of time. Used to increment the Time counter. A and B will be learned from this quantity if learning is enabled. Can be any Lisp expression evaluating to a positive number.
keyword: :strength default value: 0.0
The production strength, Sp in ACT equation 2.8. Can be set to any number, only when Production Strength Learning is off.
Creation Time
keyword: :creation-time default value: 0.0
The time at which the production was created. Used in Production Strength Learning. Can be any number.
keyword: :references default value: (1.0)
The number and, when Optimized Learning is off, list of firing times for production. Used in ACT equation 3.4. Can be set to the number or the list of references.
keyword: :value default value: 0.0
The value of the production when rational analysis is disabled. Can be any Lisp expression evaluating to a number.
keyword: :q default value: 1.0
The estimated probability that the production will achieve its intended effect. Used to randomly determine the success of production firing if Chance is NIL. Should be a probability, i.e. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
keyword: :a default value: Default Action Time
The estimated effort spent executing the production, usually interpreted as the amount of time. Used to increment the Time counter if Effort is NIL. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :r default value: 1.0
The estimated probability that the production will lead to eventual success. Should be a probability, i.e. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
keyword: :b default value: 1.0
The estimated effort spent after executing the production, usually interpreted as the amount of time. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :pg-c default value: (q*r) * G - (a + b)
The current PG-C value of the production when rational analysis is enabled. Cannot be set directly.
keyword: :successes default value: 0.0
The m in ACT equation 3.5 and n in 3.6, i.e. the actual number of successful firings of production. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
keyword: :failures default value: 0.0
The n in ACT equation 3.5, i.e. the actual number of failures of production. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
keyword: :efforts default value: 0.0
The sum of Ei in ACT equation 3.6, i.e. the actual sum of efforts spent successfully executing production. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
Eventual Successes
keyword: :eventual-successes default value: 0.0
The m in the r version of ACT equation 3.5 and n in the b version of 3.6, i.e. the actual number of eventual successes. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
Eventual Failures
keyword: :eventual-failures default value: 0.0
The n in the r version of ACT equation 3.5, i.e. the actual number of eventual failures. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
Eventual Efforts
keyword: :eventual-efforts default value: 0.0
The sum of Ei in the b version of ACT equation 3.6, i.e. the actual sum of efforts spent after executing the production until reaching eventual success. Is learned by Parameters Learning and cannot be set directly.
keyword: :q-alpha default value: 1.0
The alpha in the Parameters Learning ACT equation 3.5, i.e. the prior number of successful firings of production. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :q-beta default value: 0.0
The beta in the same equation, i.e. the prior number of failures of production. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :a-z default value: Default Action Time
The z in ACT equation 3.6, i.e. the prior amount of effort spent on the production. Should be a positive number. Also a-b for compatibility purposes.
keyword: :a-v default value: 1 .0
The v in the same equation, i.e. the prior number of firings of production. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :r-alpha default value: 1.0
The alpha in the r version of ACT equation 3.5, i.e. the prior number of eventual successes. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :r-beta default value: 0.0
The beta in the same equation, i.e. the prior number of eventual failures. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :b-z default value: 1.0
The z in the b version of ACT equation 3.6, i.e. the prior amount of effort spent after firing the production. Should be a positive number. Also b-b for compatibility purposes.
keyword: :b-v default value: 1.0
The v in the same equation, i.e. the prior number of firings of production. Should be a positive number.
keyword: :success default value: NIL
When set to T, defines the production to be the end of a successful run, leading to the learning of R and B if Parameters Learning is enabled. Can be any Lisp expression.
keyword: :failure default value: NIL
When set to T, defines the production to be the end of a failed run. If both Success and Failure are set in the same production, then that production ends the run, i.e. clears the run history, without either success and failure. Can be any Lisp expression.
Use of Spp Command
A number of parameters (value, chance, effort, success and failure) can take as value an arbitrary Lisp expression, possibly including variables from the production. Those expressions are evaluated for every instantiation. All other parameters are set as specified and are NOT evaluated.
For example, in the Tower of Hanoi model, to print all active parameters for all productions:
To print only the strength and pg-c for productions move-disk and clear-disk:
(spp (move-disk clear-disk) :strength :pg-c)
To set the strength of move-disk to 1.0 and its a to 1.0 and the r of clear-disk to 0.5 and its b to 2.0, then print all active parameters for both productions:
(spp (move-disk :strength 1.0 :a 1.0) (clear-disk :r 0.5 :b 2.0) ((move-disk clear-disk)))
To define move-disk as a success production and clear-disk as a failure (after switching parameters learning on):
(spp (move-disk :success t) (clear-disk :failure t))
Display and Selection
The contents of procedural memory or some selected productions can be displayed and returned using the pp command:
(PP {production}*)
Prints the specified productions or all enabled ones if none is supplied. Returns the list of productions printed.
Note that disabled productions are not printed by the (pp) command, but will be if given explicitly as arguments. Productions can be disabled and reactivated using the PDisable and PEnable commands respectively:
(PDisable {production}*)
Disables productions. production is not allowed to match or fire, but it can be printed by PP and re-enabled by PEnable. Returns the list of disabled productions, including failed analogized productions.
(PEnable {production}*)
Enables productions. Undoes the effect of PDisable. Returns the list of disabled productions, including failed analogized productions.
Breakpoints can be set and removed for productions by using the PBreak and PUnbreak productions respectively:
(PBreak {production}*)
Sets breakpoints for productions. If production is about to fire, then the instantiation is displayed as if by Production Trace, but the production does not actually fire. Instead, a Lisp break occurs, allowing one to examine and/or change declarative memory, establish other breakpoints, etc. Then continue or abort as indicated by the Lisp environment. Use PUnbreak to remove breakpoints. Returns the list of productions with break points.
(PUnbreak {production}*)
Removes breakpoints for productions. Undoes the effect of PBreak. If no production is given, all breakpoints are removed. Returns the list of productions with break points.
To determine which production instantiations match the current state of memory, and why a particular production does not, use the PMatches and whynot productions respectively:
Prints out all production instantiations that match against the current state of declarative memory. Returns the conflict set, i.e. the list of instantiations generated.
(WhyNot {production}*)
Attempts to match production(s) against the current state of declarative memory. A detailed matching trace is displayed as by Exact Matching Trace and Partial Matching Trace, and if any instantiations result they are also displayed. Returns the conflict set, i.e. the list of instantiations.
Section 7 Partial Matching
Enabling Partial Matching
Partial matching enables ACT-R to display errors of omission and commission, as described in the papers cited in the bibliography. It consists in modifying the pattern matching algorithm for production lhs from an exact backtracking search to a sequential, activation-penalty matching. It can be activated and traced by the global parameter partial matching and trace partial matching trace, respectively:
Partial Matching
keyword: PM default value: NIL
Enables partial matching.
Partial Matching Trace
keyword: PMT default value: NIL
If enabled, prints a message during production matching every time a condition is evaluated when Partial Matching is enabled.
Penalty and Threshold
Partial matching does not apply to the matching of the focus (first pattern in each production lhs) or to the type-checking of chunks. For all chunks after the focus, a mismatch between an actual slot value and the desired pattern results not in outright failure, but in the subtraction from the activation of the chunk of an amount equal to the mismatch penalty constant times the degree of mismatch between desired and actual value. If, after matching, the modified activation of the chunk remains above a retrieval threshold, then the match is successful, otherwise it fails. For indirect matches, only the chunk with the highest resulting activation matches (thus no multiple instantiations of a production), and no backtracking occurs to consider other less active elements if matching fails later in the production. Note that retrieval threshold defaults to NIL and therefore MUST be set when partial matching is activated (it can also be set to work with standard matching).
The mismatch penalty and retrieval threshold global parameters are:
Mismatch Penalty
keyword: MP default value: 1.5
Penalty subtracted from the activation of a chunk for a complete mismatch in a slot pattern. Multiplied by 1.0 - similarity for partial mismatches. Must be a positive number.
Retrieval Threshold
keyword: RT default value: NIL
When enabled, chunks with activation levels below this threshold cannot be retrieved. Works with both partial and exact (standard) matching. Can be any number.
The degree of match, aka the similarity (which is equal to 1.0 - the degree of mismatch), between two values defaults to 1.0 if the two values are identical chunks, and 0.0 if they are different chunks and not chunks at all. Similarities between chunks can be queried and set using the similarity and Set-Similarities commands respectively (note that similarities are symmetrical, i.e. the similarity between chunkj and chunki is equal to the similarity between chunki and chunkj, and Set-Similarities sets both at the same time):
(Similarity chunkj chunki)
Displays the similarity value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the similarity value.
(Set-Similarities {(chunkj chunki similarity)}*)
Sets the similarity value between chunkj and chunki.. Returns the list of similarity values.
Section 8 Analogy
Analogy examples are stored in chunks of the predefined type dependency. Dependencies are considered by the analogy mechanism in decreasing order of activation. If a dependency is found compatible with the current goal, then a new analogized production is created based on the dependency, or an existing production is selected if it is identical to the analogized production modulo variable names. The resulting production is then applied to the focus. If instantiations result, they are added to the conflict set. Otherwise, the analogy process goes on to the next dependency. Note: no search is performed for bridging chunks; only the mapping constraints explicitly specified in the dependency are used in composing an analogized production.
The predefined chunk type dependency contains the following slots, which as usual default to NIL and can be left unspecified if not needed:
A production rhs command or list of commands (each command in its own list), to be inserted at the end of the right-hand side of the analogized production.
Any non-nil value (e.g.. T) defines the resulting analogized production as successfully fulfilling the goal. A !pop! command will be added, or a !focus-on! to the first subgoal instead of a !push! if subgoals are specified, and the success parameter of the analogized production is set to T.
Any non-nil value (e.g.. T) defines the resulting analogized production as recognizing the failure of the goal. A !pop! command will be added, or a !focus-on! to the first subgoal instead of a !push! if subgoals are specified, and the failure parameter of the analogized production is set to T.
A value or list of values which should be variabilized in the analogized production instead of appearing as constants.
A value or list of values which should appear as constants in the analogized production instead of being variabilized.
A value or list of values which should be left out of the analogized production together with the slots in which they appear. They also act as wild cards in the initial compatibility test.
A list (or list of lists) of values which, when the first one appears as a slot value in a production lhs chunk slot, leads to the insertion of a negation test for that slot against the rest of the values in the list.
Analogized Productions
The name of the new production is automatically generated based on the goal type. Chunk headers (appearing followed by the selector >) and chunks which appear more than once in the production are variabilized. Other chunks and non-chunk values are left as constant. The special dependency slots generals, specifics and dont-cares can be used to override this variabilization rule. Negation tests can be generated using the differents dependency slot.
(p goaltype-productionn
{!pop! | !focus-on! subgoal}
{!push! subgoal}*
The left-hand side of the analogized production consists of the goal description followed by the list of constraints. The right-hand side consists of the list of subgoals and the modified goal if specified (only the modified part of which is actually repeated, but the whole goal counts for variabilization purposes), followed by a !pop! command if success or failure was specified, the respective !push! statements in reverse order (the first may be aggregated with the optional !pop! into a !focus-on!) and finally the actions:
Conflict Resolution
The latency of the analogy process is defined, similarly to an instantiation's, as the sum of the latencies of the dependencies examined, modified by the strength of the analogy process. That strength is held in the global parameter analogy strength which defaults to 0.0 and is not affected by strength learning:
Analogy Strength
keyword: AS default value: 0.0
The strength of the analogy process. In a manner analogous to production strengths, it is added to the activation of chunk retrievals during analogy. Can be any number.
The analogy process and the instantiation of the resulting production occur sequentially. Therefore, the latency of the resulting instantiation(s) is defined as its usual matching latency, plus the latency of the analogy process. If analogy returns before the conflict resolution terminates, a new analogized production will be added or an identical existing one is used and reinforced (if strength learning is enabled). Otherwise, the analogized production will be disabled, but still accessible to the pp and whynot commands. The dependencies used during analogy are strengthened if base level learning and/or associative learning are enabled.
Since the search for an analogy is now carried out at every epoch, it may be desirable to disable the analogy mechanism when it is not needed. If no dependencies are provided or if the strength of the analogy mechanism is set low enough, then analogy will not succeed. However, for efficiency, the global parameter enable analogy has been provided for that purpose:
Enable Analogy
keyword: EA default value: NIL
If enabled, the analogy mechanism is enabled at every iteration and competes with other instantiations in the conflict resolution process. If set to RESTRICTED, analogy is only enabled when no instantiation can be found, which corresponds to the mode of operation in previous versions of ACT-R.
The progress of the analogy mechanism can be traced using analogy trace, which is set by default:
Analogy Trace
keyword: AT default value: T
If enabled, prints the main steps of the analogy process.
The initial parameters (see Section 6) of the analogized productions can be set using the Set-Analogized-Parameters command:
(Set-Analogized-Parameters {parameter value}*)
Sets various parameters for initializing analogized productions. The arguments are the same as for the command Parameters (minus production). Returns the argument.
Finally, if analogy should apply on some dependencies but somehow does not, a more detailed trace of the compatibility test on the dependencies can be obtained with the whynot-analogy command:
(WhyNot-Analogy {chunk}*)
Attempts to perform analogy using chunk as examples, with Analogy Trace, Exact Matching Trace and Partial Matching Trace on. Returns the name, analogized production and latency of the analogy process.
Section 9 Hooks
A number of hooks are provided to better monitor and/or alter ACT-Rs runtime behavior. Users need to be at least moderately proficient in Lisp to use this advanced feature. The hooks are global variables which, if set to a proper function definition, can be used to transfer control of the production system to the users code at a number of places in each run cycle. The list of hooks with their arguments and values (when applicable) is:
argument: Conflict Set returned value: Instantiations & Latency
The conflict set hook function is called after all the instantiations have been generated but before one is chosen by the conflict resolution mechanism. It takes one argument which is the conflict set, i.e. the list of instantiations. It should return two values: an instantiation or instantiations and a latency. If the first value returned is a list of instantiations, then that list becomes the conflict set, which is passed to the conflict resolution process as usual, and the second value is ignored. If the first value is an instantiation, then it is selected as the one to fire without calling the conflict resolution, and the second argument is interpreted as the cycles matching latency.
argument: Instantiation returned value: NIL
The firing hook function is called just before the selected instantiation is to fire, and is given the instantiation as argument.
argument: Instantiation returned value: NIL
The cycle hook function is called at the end of each cycle, and is given the instantiation just fired as argument.
argument: Latency returned value: NIL
The end run hook function is called when the run command is completed, and is given as argument the total latency of the command, i.e. the difference between the present time and the time it was called.
Ultimately I hope to document the set of internal functions used to manipulate those data structures but until then you should just poke around the code and figure it out. Hopefully, it should be simple enough, but if you have any problem feel free to contact me at
Section 10 Bibliography
The main ACT-R reference is:
Anderson, J. R., & Lebiere, C. (1998). The Atomic Components of Thought. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
The previous ACT-R reference was:
Anderson, J. R. (1993). Rules of the Mind. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Partial matching in ACT-R was first introduced in:
Lebiere, C., Anderson, J. R., & Reder, L. M. (1994). Error modeling in the ACT-R production system. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 555-559. Erlbaum.
Further use of partial matching and the introduction of the constraint on total source activation can be found in:
Anderson, J. R., Reder, L. M., & Lebiere, C. (1996). Working memory: Activation limitations on retrieval. Cognitive Psychology. To appear in the April 1996 issue.