Francis S. Bellezza, C. Franklin Boyle, Frederick G. Conrad, Albert T. Corbett, Jon M. Fincham, Donn Hoffman, Nicholas Kushmerick, Christian Lebiere, Mark K. Singley, and Quanfeng Wu
Rules of the Mind can be ordered directly from the
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Related to the earlier well-known ACT production system theory, this book's basic goal is to present evidence for the psychological reality of a production system model of mind. Distinguished from the original theory in three ways, this volume uses the rational analyses of Anderson (1990) to improve upon that theory and extend its scope. It also relates the theory to a great deal of new data on the performance and acquisition of cognitive skills.
The new theory -- ACT-R -- involves a neurally plausible implementation of a production system architecture. Rational analysis is used to structure and paramaterize the system to yield optimal information processing. The theory is applicable to a wide variety of research disciplines, including memory, problem solving, and skill acquisition. Using intelligent tutors, much of the data is concerned with the acquisition of cognitive skills. The book provides analyses of data sets describing the extended course of the acquisition of mathematical and computer programming skills.
Accompanying the book is a disk for use in conjunction with LISP 2.0 on a Mac II. This allows readers to explore the simulations described in the text and develop new simulations in the ACT-R theory. They also have access to the code describing the theory and so are able to explore variations on the theory. In addition to the code the disk contains a user's manual (written by Christian Lebière and Nicholas Kushmerick and a beginner's primer (written by Richard Lehrer).