This file contains an ACT-R model of the Devenport et al. animal choice experiment. In the experiment, rats were exposed to a 2-armed maze. For 18 trials they experienced alternating successes of arm A and failures of arm B. Then, after a 30 minute delay, they experienced 6 trials of alternating successes of arm B and failures of arm A. Rats in different conditions were then given a single test trial after a delay. The delay varied across conditions as follows: 5, 25, 60, 210, 360, 2880 minutes. In the small delay conditions rats preferred (exclusively) arm B which had been recently more successful. In the longer delay conditions rats preferred (almost exclusively) arm A which had been globally more successful in a 18:6 ratio. The cross-over point occurred at approximately 210 minutes of delay. These results emphasize the greater weighting of recent successes/failures to distant (in time) successes/failures.

ACT-R Model